A library for reading data from Cloudant or CouchDB databases using Spark SQL and Spark Streaming.
IBM® Cloudant® is a document-oriented DataBase as a Service (DBaaS). It stores data as documents in JSON format. It’s built with scalability, high availability, and durability in mind. It comes with a wide variety of indexing options including map-reduce, Cloudant Query, full-text indexing, and geospatial indexing. The replication capabilities make it easy to keep data in sync between database clusters, desktop PCs, and mobile devices.
Apache CouchDB™ is open source database software that focuses on ease of use and having an architecture that “completely embraces the Web”. It has a document-oriented NoSQL database architecture and is implemented in the concurrency-oriented language Erlang; it uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using MapReduce, and HTTP for an API.
Using SBT:
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.bahir" %% "spark-sql-cloudant" % "2.1.1"
Using Maven:
This library can also be added to Spark jobs launched through spark-shell
or spark-submit
by using the --packages
command line option.
$ bin/spark-shell --packages org.apache.bahir:spark-sql-cloudant_2.11:2.1.1
Unlike using --jars
, using --packages
ensures that this library and its dependencies will be added to the classpath.
The --packages
argument can also be used with bin/spark-submit
Submit a job in Python:
spark-submit --master local[4] --jars <path to cloudant-spark.jar> <path to python script>
Submit a job in Scala:
spark-submit --class "<your class>" --master local[4] --jars <path to cloudant-spark.jar> <path to your app jar>
This library is compiled for Scala 2.11 only, and intends to support Spark 2.0 onwards.
The configuration is obtained in the following sequence:
Here each subsequent configuration overrides the previous one. Thus, configuration set using DataFrame option overrides what has beens set in SparkConf. And configuration passed in spark-submit using –conf takes precedence over any setting in the code.
Default values are defined in here.
Name | Default | Meaning |
cloudant.protocol | https | protocol to use to transfer data: http or https |
cloudant.host | cloudant host url | |
cloudant.username | cloudant userid | |
cloudant.password | cloudant password | |
cloudant.useQuery | false | By default, _all_docs endpoint is used if configuration ‘view’ and ‘index’ (see below) are not set. When useQuery is enabled, _find endpoint will be used in place of _all_docs when query condition is not on primary key field (_id), so that query predicates may be driven into datastore. |
cloudant.queryLimit | 25 | The maximum number of results returned when querying the _find endpoint. |
jsonstore.rdd.partitions | 10 | the number of partitions intent used to drive JsonStoreRDD loading query result in parallel. The actual number is calculated based on total rows returned and satisfying maxInPartition and minInPartition |
jsonstore.rdd.maxInPartition | -1 | the max rows in a partition. -1 means unlimited |
jsonstore.rdd.minInPartition | 10 | the min rows in a partition. |
jsonstore.rdd.requestTimeout | 900000 | the request timeout in milliseconds |
bulkSize | 200 | the bulk save size |
schemaSampleSize | “-1” | the sample size for RDD schema discovery. 1 means we are using only first document for schema discovery; -1 means all documents; 0 will be treated as 1; any number N means min(N, total) docs |
createDBOnSave | “false” | whether to create a new database during save operation. If false, a database should already exist. If true, a new database will be created. If true, and a database with a provided name already exists, an error will be raised. |
Besides all the configurations passed to a temporary table or dataframe through SparkConf, it is also possible to set the following configurations in temporary table or dataframe using OPTIONS:
Name | Default | Meaning |
database | cloudant database name | |
view | cloudant view w/o the database name. only used for load. | |
index | cloudant search index w/o the database name. only used for load data with less than or equal to 200 results. | |
path | cloudant: as database name if database is not present | |
schemaSampleSize | “-1” | the sample size used to discover the schema for this temp table. -1 scans all documents |
bulkSize | 200 | the bulk save size |
createDBOnSave | “false” | whether to create a new database during save operation. If false, a database should already exist. If true, a new database will be created. If true, and a database with a provided name already exists, an error will be raised. |
For fast loading, views are loaded without include_docs. Thus, a derived schema will always be: {id, key, value}
, where value
can be a compount field. An example of loading data from a view:
spark.sql(" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE flightTable1 USING org.apache.bahir.cloudant OPTIONS ( database 'n_flight', view '_design/view/_view/AA0')")
Name | Default | Meaning |
cloudant.host | cloudant host url | |
cloudant.username | cloudant userid | |
cloudant.password | cloudant password | |
database | cloudant database name | |
selector | all documents | a selector written in Cloudant Query syntax, specifying conditions for selecting documents. Only documents satisfying the selector’s conditions will be retrieved from Cloudant and loaded into Spark. |
The above stated configuration keys can also be set using spark-submit --conf
option. When passing configuration in spark-submit, make sure adding “spark.” as prefix to the keys.
spark = SparkSession\
.appName("Cloudant Spark SQL Example in Python using temp tables")\
.config("cloudant.username", "USERNAME")\
# Loading temp table from Cloudant db
spark.sql(" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE airportTable USING org.apache.bahir.cloudant OPTIONS ( database 'n_airportcodemapping')")
airportData = spark.sql("SELECT _id, airportName FROM airportTable WHERE _id >= 'CAA' AND _id <= 'GAA' ORDER BY _id")
print 'Total # of rows in airportData: ' + str(airportData.count())
for code in airportData.collect():
print code._id
See CloudantApp.py for examples.
Submit job example:
spark-submit --packages org.apache.bahir:spark-sql-cloudant_2.11:2.1.1 --conf spark.cloudant.host=ACCOUNT.cloudant.com --conf spark.cloudant.username=USERNAME --conf spark.cloudant.password=PASSWORD sql-cloudant/examples/python/CloudantApp.py
spark = SparkSession\
.appName("Cloudant Spark SQL Example in Python using dataframes")\
.config("cloudant.username", "USERNAME")\
.config("jsonstore.rdd.partitions", 8)\
# ***1. Loading dataframe from Cloudant db
df = spark.read.load("n_airportcodemapping", "org.apache.bahir.cloudant")
df.filter(df.airportName >= 'Moscow').select("_id",'airportName').show()
df.filter(df._id >= 'CAA').select("_id",'airportName').show()
See CloudantDF.py for examples.
In case of doing multiple operations on a dataframe (select, filter etc.),
you should persist a dataframe. Otherwise, every operation on a dataframe will load the same data from Cloudant again.
Persisting will also speed up computation. This statement will persist an RDD in memory: df.cache()
. Alternatively for large dbs to persist in memory & disk, use:
from pyspark import StorageLevel
df.persist(storageLevel = StorageLevel(True, True, False, True, 1))
Sample code on using DataFrame option to define cloudant configuration
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Cloudant Spark SQL Example")
.config("cloudant.username", "USERNAME")
// For implicit conversions of Dataframe to RDDs
import spark.implicits._
// create a temp table from Cloudant db and query it using sql syntax
|USING org.apache.bahir.cloudant
|OPTIONS ( database 'n_airportcodemapping')
// create a dataframe
val airportData = spark.sql("SELECT _id, airportName FROM airportTable WHERE _id >= 'CAA' AND _id <= 'GAA' ORDER BY _id")
println(s"Total # of rows in airportData: " + airportData.count())
// convert dataframe to array of Rows, and process each row
airportData.map(t => "code: " + t(0) + ",name:" + t(1)).collect().foreach(println)
See CloudantApp.scala for examples.
Submit job example:
spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.sql.cloudant.CloudantApp --packages org.apache.bahir:spark-sql-cloudant_2.11:2.1.1 --conf spark.cloudant.host=ACCOUNT.cloudant.com --conf spark.cloudant.username=USERNAME --conf spark.cloudant.password=PASSWORD /path/to/spark-sql-cloudant_2.11-2.1.1-tests.jar
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Cloudant Spark SQL Example with Dataframe")
.config("cloudant.username", "USERNAME")
.config("createDBOnSave","true") // to create a db on save
.config("jsonstore.rdd.partitions", "20") // using 20 partitions
// 1. Loading data from Cloudant db
val df = spark.read.format("org.apache.bahir.cloudant").load("n_flight")
// Caching df in memory to speed computations
// and not to retrieve data from cloudant again
// 2. Saving dataframe to Cloudant db
val df2 = df.filter(df("flightSegmentId") === "AA106")
See CloudantDF.scala for examples.
Sample code on using DataFrame option to define Cloudant configuration.
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10))
val changes = ssc.receiverStream(new CloudantReceiver(Map(
"cloudant.host" -> "ACCOUNT.cloudant.com",
"cloudant.username" -> "USERNAME",
"cloudant.password" -> "PASSWORD",
"database" -> "n_airportcodemapping")))
changes.foreachRDD((rdd: RDD[String], time: Time) => {
// Get the singleton instance of SparkSession
val spark = SparkSessionSingleton.getInstance(rdd.sparkContext.getConf)
println(s"========= $time =========")
// Convert RDD[String] to DataFrame
val changesDataFrame = spark.read.json(rdd)
if (!changesDataFrame.schema.isEmpty) {
// run streaming for 120 secs
See CloudantStreaming.scala for examples.
By default, Spark Streaming will load all documents from a database. If you want to limit the loading to
specific documents, use selector
option of CloudantReceiver
and specify your conditions
(See CloudantStreamingSelector.scala
example for more details):
val changes = ssc.receiverStream(new CloudantReceiver(Map(
"cloudant.host" -> "ACCOUNT.cloudant.com",
"cloudant.username" -> "USERNAME",
"cloudant.password" -> "PASSWORD",
"database" -> "sales",
"selector" -> "{\"month\":\"May\", \"rep\":\"John\"}")))