This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Apache Flink Streaming Connector for Netty

Flink Netty Connector

This connector provides tcp source and http source for receiving push data, implemented by Netty.

Note that the streaming connectors are not part of the binary distribution of Flink. You need to link them into your job jar for cluster execution. See how to link with them for cluster execution here.

Data Flow

+-------------+      (2)    +------------------------+
| user system |    <-----   | Third Register Service |           
+-------------+             +------------------------+
       |                                ^
       | (3)                            |
       |                                |
       V                                |
+--------------------+                  |
| Flink Netty Source |  ----------------+
+--------------------+         (1)

There are three components:

  • User System - where the data stream is coming from
  • Third Register Service - receive Flink Netty Source’s register request (ip and port)
  • Flink Netty Source - Netty Server for receiving pushed streaming data from User System

Maven Dependency

To use this connector, add the following dependency to your project:



Tcp Source:

val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
env.addSource(new TcpReceiverSource("msg", 7070, Some("http://localhost:9090/cb")))

paramKey: the http query param key tryPort: try to use this point, if this point is used then try a new port callbackUrl: register connector’s ip and port to a Third Register Service

Http Source:

val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
env.addSource(new TcpReceiverSource(7070, Some("http://localhost:9090/cb")))

tryPort: try to use this port, if this point is used then try a new port callbackUrl: register connector’s ip and port to a Third Register Service

Full Example

There are two example to get started: